ApSIC Xbench is a wonderful free tool for terminology lookup and translation QA. You can download the tool from ApSIC's web site:
Download ApSIC Xbench
To know more about this tool, you can view the latest copy of my Xbench presentation Xbench for Terminology Management and Translation QA (online Power Point presentation):
By clicking on the Menu button you can also download a copy of the presentation.Download ApSIC Xbench
To know more about this tool, you can view the latest copy of my Xbench presentation Xbench for Terminology Management and Translation QA (online Power Point presentation):
To learn how to extend Xbench by adding searches to personal and project checklists, see my presentation Extending Xbench: Hhow Personal Checklists and Targeted Searchdes Can Make this Translation QA Tool Even More Useful (online Power Point presentation):
By clicking on the Menu button you can also download a copy of the presentation.
In addition to this free presentation, I can create for you:
- Personalized presentations, drafted specifically to best fit Xbench in your own QA workflow
- Personalized Xbench webinar
- On-site seminar on how best to use Xbench for terminology management or translation QA